Forman' s  presents its american cocker spaniels  in France
A lifetime devoted to the american cockers spaniels...   unique passion  ..

The American cocker (or just "cocker spaniel", as he is known in the States) is popular with both young and old because of his striking looks, his playful personality, and his sturdy constitution. 
t's difficult to resist the intelligent expression in his lovely eyes and the softness of his silky coat. And this marvelous little dog has an enormous capacity to adapt himself to his owners' lifestyle, whatever it may be.
If this wonderful cocker attracts you, and you would like to know more about making him happy, this site will teach you the finer points about American cocker spaniels and will help you share "magic moments" with your own cocker spaniel.
The respected reputation of our breeding kennel in the Yonne department of France is recognized throughout the world. We would like you to share our joy in knowing and loving the marvelous companion – a true combination of beauty and intelligence – that is the American cocker spaniel.

Passion and 25 years experiment of a family breeding - only one race the American cocker spaniel. Affiliated at the Canine Central Company N° 671079 Siret N°419 342 647 00015. Member with the clubs of spaniels: The USA, France, Sweden, Holland. "Near to the Paris area"



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